Paws and Planes: A Heartwarming Journey from JFK Airport to a Forever Home πŸ›«πŸΆ❤️

The Story of Abbott 


When most people think of taking a day off work, they picture a relaxing day at the beach πŸ–️, a spa retreat πŸ’†‍♀️, or an exciting road trip πŸš—. But for me, a day off means another chance to embark on a heartwarming puppy transport mission πŸΎ. This time, my partner-in-crime, Mark, was tied up with work. So, I called upon my dear friend and trusty stand-in, Phyllis, who's always ready to join in, lend a helping hand, or simply provide some company during our journeys πŸ€—.
Our destination this time was unlike any other we had experienced in our puppy transport adventures 
πŸ•. It wasn't a roadside rest stop or a foster's house. No, this time, we were headed to John F. Kennedy International Airport ✈️. Our mission? To be part of a four-person team responsible for picking up ten dogs who had just arrived via plane πŸΆπŸ›¬.
The journey to JFK Airport was long and riddled with the usual traffic woes, but we pressed on with unwavering determination
🚦. As we finally arrived at Hangar 76, excitement and uncertainty filled the air. We found ourselves in an unfamiliar environment, unsure of where to go or what to do next πŸ€”.
Glancing around the parking lot, I spotted two women parked side by side, engaged in conversation. A spark of recognition passed between us, and I gathered the courage to ask the question that had been on my mind since our arrival: "Are you here for Second Chance?" Their affirmative nods provided a reassuring sense of camaraderie, and I knew we were in this together 

After a series of conversations with a few different people, being told we were in the right spot, then being told we were in the wrong hanger, then a call with someone at Second Chance to pay the invoice for the shipping, we met up with the 4th member of our team, a guy who had done this run before. Knowing what to do and where to go, he lead our group to the spot we had to wait to get our pups. Now, if you haven't ever seen the inside of one of these hangers, I want you to picture a Costco where everything is 4 times the size - the fixtures, the "products", the forklifts, everything. 


Now, we have to wait for them to locate our cargo, which I will remind you that our cargo is 10 puppies. These puppies were all crated and started their journeys out in Los Angeles at LAX where they boarded a cargo plane to Seattle. From Seattle they made the journey all the way to JFK without stopping. Assuming there was a small layover at Seattle, we were assuming it was probably an 18 hour day of travel for these dogs, so we had no idea what to expect. So we wait... and wait.... and wait... and wait. All in all the wait was about 90 min but felt like 10 hours. Come to find out, they couldn't find the dogs anywhere. There was one covered luggage cart that no one had looked at the was just sitting there in the middle of the warehouse and something told us to mention it them. So we got someone's attention and said did you try that one there, pointing to that covered card. Lo and behold, there they were, sitting right in front of us, not making a peep or sound or bark of any kind.


Well, now the funny part of the story. While they are getting everything together, we need to open the very big cargo door that needs to be done manually. The one hanger worker said that he needed either our 4th person, a guy, or myself, a guy, to help him with the door by pulling on a chain that would help raise the door. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am not the most likely choice for this task. A) I hate getting dirty and B) I dont like doing manual labor for things like this. Now, the 4th was only slightly better than myself, but in true society driven BS, we were picked because we were guys. This did not sit well with both women, one being a vet tech and the other being carpenter, welder, and women's roller derby badass. The badass said quickly to the worker, "What I cant do it because I dont have a d*ck?" I almost wet my pants when she said this because, hands down, 110% believe she could have taken any single person in that place. I would have put my money on her without a doubt.

But the adventure doesn't end there! Three weeks later, we received the incredible news that Abbott, one of the dogs we transported that day, had found his forever home
. It was a heartwarming turn of events that left us overjoyed and reaffirmed our belief in the power of rescue missions and the kindness of strangers. Abbott, once a weary traveler who had endured the challenges of his past, was now on the path to a brighter future. His new family welcomed him with open arms and hearts full of love. We offered to facilitate Abbott's final journey to his forever home, eager to witness the culmination of his remarkable transformation.
As we met Abbott's new mom, the depth of her love and excitement was palpable. Her spacious 4000+ sq ft house offered Abbott his very own room to play in, complete with a plush bed and an abundance of toys. In addition, a huge basement rec room had been set up as a doggy play haven, where he could romp and frolic to his heart's content 
Outside, a sprawling half-acre fenced yard provided the perfect playground for Abbott to stretch his legs and soak in the fresh air. The sheer joy on Abbott's face as he explored his new surroundings was a sight to behold, and it warmed our hearts to see him finally experiencing the happiness and security he deserved
Abbott's new mom couldn't contain her enthusiasm as she met him for the first time. She showered him with affection, reassuring us that he was indeed in the loving embrace of a family who cherished him as much as we did. It was a moment of pure happiness, a testament to the incredible journeys these rescue dogs embark upon, and a reminder of the boundless capacity for compassion in the world 
Stay tuned for more heartwarming stories, exciting adventures, and inspiring journeys as we continue to share our experiences in the world of puppy transport. Our mission is far from over, and we invite you to be part of this incredible ride, filled with love, hope, and countless wagging tails 



Thinking it's time to expand your family? Want to explore rescuing a dog of your own? 
Check out Second Chance Rescues available pups  --> CLICK HERE <--

Thinking maybe fostering is more your speed? --> CLICK HERE <--

Maybe you can't adopt or foster but can help in another way? 
To donate to Second Chance Rescue... --> CLICK HERE <-- Every bit helps!

Remember to, #adoptdontshop #becausetheymatter. 
There is no love like the love from a rescue! ❤️🐢❤️



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