Welcome to Hounds on the Highway!
Hi and welcome to our blog! This is where we will chronicle the adventures that we, Mark and Doug, have when we transport dogs that have been rescued with NYC Second Chance Rescue. Let me introduce ourselves and the organization we love to work with.
I am Doug
I am Mark
I am Stella 
I can give you all one guess on how we got started with this and that answer would be.... STELLA!!! We rescued Stella on August 6th, 2021 and she has enriched and changed our lives in more ways than we could ever imagine. Seeing how she was so ready to give us love, told us a lot about rescues in general. All they want is to love you. All they want is a home to feel safe, secure, and loved in. They want what we all want and that's to be loved. So, we decided then we were going to give back to the dog rescue community but, we weren't sure how.
We did some research on rescue organizations in the area and inquired with a few to see what volunteer positions they had open and needed help with. Each one of the phone calls and emails went unanswered. Now, that is not to throw shade at them, which is why I will not mention any names here, and we understand that animal rescues are severely understaffed usually, but you had 2 able-bodied willing volunteers with their hands up looking for a place to help.
Well, as fate would have it, thanks to Instagram, Mark was following NYC Second Chance Rescue!! One of their posts came up in his feed, which is a miracle since he never checks social media very often, and we started some research again. We went to their website (https://nycsecondchancerescue.org/) and filled out applications and within 48 hours, we were both contacted with phone interviews set up. They asked us questions about our schedules, our home situation, reliable transportation, and past volunteer work, and they called our references, etc. We both passed and were excited to start out helping!
People ask us all the time why we transport and if it is difficult to let them go. The short answer is absolutely, YES! We are the types of people that get emotionally attached to dogs very quickly, which is why we chose to transport in the first place. Could you imagine us fostering? Ha. Even I can't keep a straight face thinking that I could let a dog go that was in my house. Transporting helps us get our "puppy fix" in, with the knowledge that we are helping them get to a better place and helping out someone by bringing them a bundle of joy, just like Stella was for us.
Now, why do we do what we do? Mark said it best, "We do transports because if for that one hour, they can feel loved, safe, and relaxed, it’s all worth it. We don’t know where they’ve been or what they’ve been through, but for at least that hour, they know they are loved.” I can tell you this, it is not just an hour that these puppies feel loved. Seeing how NYC Second Chance Rescue takes care of their dogs, interacting with the fosters and other volunteers, these dogs are surrounded by love. They deserve it. We are honored and consider it a privilege to work with and transport for Second Chance. They truly are the best of the best! We thank you!
To date, Mark and I have had the honor and privilege to have transported 38 dogs in 30 transport trips covering 2,500 miles since January 28th, 2023.
Thinking it's time to expand your family? Want to explore rescuing a dog of your own?
Check out Second Chance Rescues available pups --> CLICK HERE <--
Thinking maybe fostering is more your speed? --> CLICK HERE <--
Maybe you can't adopt or foster but can help in another way?
To donate to Second Chance Rescue... --> CLICK HERE <-- Every bit helps!
Remember to, #adoptdontshop #becausetheymatter. There is no love like the love from a rescue! ❤️🐶❤️
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