
Just when you think there are no more firsts you can have…

    T oday was a day of firsts. It was my first time transporting not just one, but five animals all by myself. As I embarked on this new adventure, I was filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. My passengers for the day were an adorable, very young puppy named Java and four incredibly small kittens named Koozie, Sandcastle, Flip Flop, and Popsicle. Each of them was a tiny bundle of life, depending on me to get them to their new foster homes safely.   The day began early. As the sun peeked over the horizon, I loaded up my car with everything I needed for the journey – cozy blankets, secure carriers, a supply of food and water, and of course, my trusty first aid kit. I double-checked everything, making sure I was fully prepared for any situation that might arise, because as I always say, “Ya never know!” “Ya never know!”   First, the amazing transport driver named Anne (whom we love dearly and is a true champion for any animal who needs one – thank you Anne!), fresh from her journey

🌟🐾 Exciting Update on Nico, Our Newest Family Member! 🐾🌟

  (trying out this graphic... what do you think?) Hey everyone! We wanted to share an update now that Nico has been with us for about 3 weeks. It's truly incredible how quickly dogs can adapt to new surroundings and shower us with love and affection. Nico joined our household of 4 people and 3 dogs on May 11th, and he fit right in almost immediately! πŸΆπŸ’• We initially kept them separated for a few days to let Nico acclimate (don't forget to check out the 3-3-3 rule graphic at the bottom of this post). Despite his rough start after a serious car accident and a traumatic brain injury, Nico's resilience is something to behold. πŸš—πŸ’”➡️πŸΎπŸ’– You'd think he might be car reactive or scared of loud noises and new people due to the accident, but he isn't! Nico settles down in the car with zero issues and often falls asleep on someone's lap. Having 3 other dogs in the house, it can get loud, but it doesn't phase him. In fact, the other 3 dogs have even taught him to bar

Who are we kidding... a fail was only a matter of time!

  Today turned out to be an incredibly heartwarming and eventful day! 🐾 We eagerly volunteered to transport two dogs to Astoria, Queens, only a few blocks apart. It's a routine we've done before, so we felt prepared for the task. But then, just as we thought our day couldn't get any better, we received a message about a third little pup needing transport to the Adoption Center in Long Island City, just 15 minutes away. Without hesitation, we said yes to the unexpected addition. πŸš—πŸ’¨ Our car was bustling with excitement and anticipation! I took the wheel, accompanied by Seth, a charming 30-pound grey and white 6-month-old pitbull mix, while Mark found himself sandwiched between a 75-pound gentle giant named Goat and a 10-pound black micro schnauzer in a cozy crate. 🐢❤️ Typically, our transports originate from down south, often from states like Georgia or Louisiana, and today was no exception. However, Goat's journey was a bit different. He came from a temporary foster